Example Projects

Here are some examples of challenges that are appropriate for this research project.

Create or improve a process: quarterly reporting or critical incident logging with divergent needs and low user buy-in

Project aims:

  1. Hear and understand needs of the business and process users (functional and psychological needs)
  2. Identify pain points and strengths (functional and psychological strengths)
  3. Define the challenge scope
  4. Generate ideas to improve the process and engage process users
  5. Prototype ideas with process users (rapid prototyping with low-fidelity prototypes)
  6. Develop a response plan ready for implementation

Project team members:

Improve crossfunctional team collaboration

Project aims:

  1. Hear and understand needs of the business and each siloed functional team (functional and psychological needs)
  2. Identify pain points and strengths (functional and psychological strengths)
  3. Define the challenge scope
  4. Generate ideas for change and engage members from each team
  5. Prototype ideas with members from each team (rapid prototyping with low-fidelity prototypes)
  6. Develop a response plan ready for implementation

Project team members:

Improve employee wellbeing

Project aims:

  1. Hear and understand needs of the business and employee wellbeing challenges (functional and psychological needs)
  2. Identify pain points and strengths (functional and psychological strengths)
  3. Define the challenge scope
  4. Generate ideas for change and engage employees
  5. Prototype ideas with employees (rapid prototyping with low-fidelity prototypes)
  6. Develop a response plan ready for implementation

Project team members:

Improve communications between different audience groups (technical information to lay audiences, customer needs to technical providers)

Project aims:

  1. Hear and understand needs of the business and parties in the communication challenge (functional and psychological needs)
  2. Identify pain points and strengths (functional and psychological strengths)
  3. Define the challenge scope
  4. Generate ideas to improve communications and engage parties in the communication challenge
  5. Prototype ideas with parties (rapid prototyping with low-fidelity prototypes)
  6. Develop a response plan ready for implementation

Project team members: