Process: Working Together

The Hybrid Framework

There are six phases in the Hybrid Framework:

  1. Understand the symptoms of the challenge and how it affects people.
  2. Collaboratively discover and analyse what is actually going on.
  3. Define the challenge scope to align the response work.
  4. Generate a range of ideas and possibilities.
  5. Prototype selected promising ideas for efficacy and feasibility.
  6. Devise a response plan to implement the selected change.

The Framework:

The Framework fosters the following working conditions:

Key Project Tasks

Key Research Tasks

The interviews will ask how participants experience the use of the Framework. They are not evaluative; there are no right or wrong answers. Examples of interview questions:

Work Phases



Project Activity

Research Activity

Working Together
Consultant-researcher is a member of your team (meeting once a week)

Weeks 1-11*


Understand the challenge context
The affected people and systems
Previous mitigating approaches

Short Online Survey

Interview 1
Confirm Transcript


Collaborative discovery
A fresh look at the challenge
Question assumptions and blindspots



Define goals, tasks, and success
Discover strengths and resources
Produce a Challenge Scope



Generate ideas
Engage in brainstorming
Select best ideas to prototype



Prototype ideas
Review and refine ideas
Shortlist the most feasible response



Plan Response
Seek feedback from other stakeholders
Produce a Response Plan

End Working Together

Week 12*


Interview 2
Confirm Transcript

Week 16*


Implement the Response Plan
Consultant-researcher no longer involved

Interview 3
Confirm Transcript

Week 20*

Interview 4
Confirm Transcript



Response Plan implementation
continues as needed


* The number of weeks is indicative only. Meeting more frequently per week can reduce the timeframe. The consultant-researcher will negotiate an appropriate timeframe/engagement period with your business.